Quiet Friday: 13th September

‘Come away to some lonely place  ….. and rest for a while’

(Mark 6:31)

If you can’t manage a residential retreat, we are also pleased to be able to offer the opportunity to join us for the day.  Normally on the second Friday of each month (with the exception of August); a time for stillness and solitude and to enjoy the attractive grounds and Quiet Garden.

Arrivals are from 10:15 am for a 10:45 am start.  The aim of the Quiet Friday is to provide an atmosphere of prayerful silence where you can unwind, reflect and become more aware of God’s presence in your life. For this reason, only a limited input is provided and silence is encouraged.

The introduction to the day will be followed by a short Lectio Divina session (a prayerful reading of a short scripture passage). You are invited to join the monastic community for Midday Prayer in the Abbey Church at 1pm, followed by Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament until 2pm.

A monk will be available for one hour, between 2-3pm, should anyone wish to talk or go to confession.

Participants gather at 3.15pm for tea, with the day ending at 3.30pm

Tea and coffee are available, but please bring a packed lunch.

12th January 12th July
9th February 13th September
8th March 11th October
12th April 8th November 
10th May 13th December
14th June

Dates may be subject to change

Booking form

For further information contact us 

This was posted in on 19 April 2024 and updated on 16 July 2024.

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